Campbell River Medical Staff Engagement


Application Information

We need this info: How the applications work: Information about what you need to do and who you need to speak to.

Future Activities

Future activity info will go here.

Current Activities

Physician Wellness and Safe Spaces for Campbell River Physicians

Physician Lead: Dr Ninette Fourie

The intent is to have a shift in perception of physician burn out as an individual’s issue to it being a community’s responsibility to build wellness and prevention strategies/approach in addition to safe alternatives for care in times of crisis. A ground-up approach to ensure a culture of safety and wellbeing

Activities Contributing to Wellness and Safe Spaces include:

  1. The recent Campbell River Spirit Awards

  2. The purchase of fitness equipment, mirrors and flooring for a dedicated, in facility, fitness centre for all staff (pending access to space post pandemic)

  3. A booked Velocity Golf event for all physicians (on hold until post pandemic)

  4. The annual summer barbecue – an event focused on family; a collaborative with the Campbell River and District Division of Family Practice (on hold until post pandemic)

  5. The physician lounge - an environment maintained by the MSA with beverages, food supplies, magazines, newspapers, information sharing.

Waterbirths at Campbell River Hospital

Activity Lead: Sheila Jager, RMS

The purpose is to allow appropriate low risk women the choice of waterbirth on the Campbell River Hospital Maternity unit. Upon consultation with the lead of the Specialist Services Committee (SCC) Initiatives for Island Health, the project has two (2) components. The first component to establish create a multidisciplinary steering committee to develop necessary forms, policies and procedures, and safety audit. The second component will be the approval by Island Health and educational materials for staff and the user.

Family Physician Screening in CRG Hip and Knee Clinic

Physician Lead: Dr Deke Botsford

The collaborative development of criteria for operative vs non operative management for patients with hip and knee osteoarthritis with GP Screeners, Orthopaedic Surgeons, Physiotherapists and Nurses. The objectives are to (a) develop criteria for operative vs non operative management of patients Identify areas of change; implement change; ongoing agreement between screeners and surgeons; and (b) develop a communication strategy of the criteria to referring GPs and the approval of the referring GPs of the criteria and process

Improvements to Trauma Care

Physician Leads: Dr Jasmine Leslie and Dr Henry Jiang

Trauma resuscitation and care requires a multidisciplinary team consisting of emergency room physicians, surgeons, nurses, hematologist/transfusion medicine, RTs, anesthesiologist and others. The survival and long-term outcome of patients with traumatic injuries depend on the overall teamwork of all contributing members from each department. Through simulations, we will improve communications within the trauma bay among different specialists, within pre-arrival triage and disbursement of our new Massive Transfusion Protocol, between trauma bay and radiology, and our educators with Island Health Trauma Education.

Past Activities

Geriatric Advisory Group on Care of the Elderly in Campbell River Hospital

Physician Lead: Dr Kathleen (Caitlin) McFadden

Form a Geriatric Advisory Group comprised of physicians and other identified health care professionals who have a shared interest in the care of seniors. The advisory group’s focus is to discuss and develop solutions for improvements to seniors care in the acute care environment at Campbell River Hospital The initial small group would meet to develop the areas of shared concern and host a larger, facilitated event to determine support for identified concerns, identify other areas of concern, determine next steps

(NOTE: resulting poster on wall in office area of physician lounge)