Campbell River Medical Staff Engagement


Campbell River Medical Services Engagement Initiative (CRMSEI)

Facility Engagement was launched by the Specialist Services Committee in 2016 as a BC-wide initiative to strengthen communication, relationships and collaboration between facility-based physicians and their health authorities. The goal is to increase meaningful physician involvement in health authority decisions about their work environment and the delivery of patient care.

The Campbell River Medical Staff Engagement Initiative was incorporated on January 25, 2017 and received full funding approval from the Specialist Services Committee on March 15, 2017.

The Executive Working Group has representation from a wide variety of specialty services including:

  • Plastic Surgery

  • Internal Medicine

  • Family Practice

  • Pediatrics

  • Obstetrics/Gynecology

  • Midwifery

  • Anesthesiology

Together the group moves forward with improving relationships between physicians, with the acute care departments and leads, GEO 1 leadership, as well as having an increased presence with Island Health leadership and directors.

The Initiative has gained in popularity as evidenced by an increase of project and activity applications and feedback from physician colleagues.

Regular attendance at Island Health initiated committees contributes to increased communication to and from the Initiative. Committees include:


  • Medical Leadership Restructuring Project Steering Committee

  • Best Patient Medical History/Medication Reconciliation

  • Collaborative Services Committee

  • Island Wide Medical Staff/Island Health collaborative events

  • Medical Staff Association President/Island Health meetings

Our Vision

Providers actively engaged in change and decision-making within our complex health system

Our Mission

Create an environment for meaningful engagement between health providers, Island Health and the public to improve the health of our community.

Our Values

  • Community

  • Commitment

  • Advocacy

  • Mutual Respect



Establish and foster relationships, communication and engagement leading to stronger trust, health and joy at work


Proactive budget management and prioritized spending to align with our mission and maximize impact


Create an environment of collaboration and mutual respect with Island Health for a more positive work environment

Annual Reports